
The Stranger by Albert Camus (Book Review)

The Stranger by Albert Camus (Book Review)



Book – The Stranger /  The Outsider  
Author – Albert Camus 
Genre – Absurdist fiction, Philosophical fiction, Existential Fiction, Crime Fiction  
Originally published in 1942


"Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure."


The Stranger by Albert Camus (Book Review)


Finished reading "The Stranger" by Albert Camus in the starting of May but didn't publish the book review due to some technical issues of my website. 

The book "The Stranger" which starts with straightforward but mysterious opening lines. This is a short book with very big and deep thoughts. There is a lot of injustice and judgement from page one. It starts on a very sad note and it ends on another sad one. We get to know Meursault in the bunch of situations he goes through, from his mom, lover, work manager and neighbors.


The Stranger by Albert Camus (Book Review)


People criticize Meursault for not showing much sadness when his mom dies. But why should he have to act like everyone expects? We're all different, and just because someone cries after losing a loved one doesn't mean everyone has to. They call him cold and heartless, but everyone should be free to react how they want. People can be mean and judge too quickly without seeing the whole picture. Later, when he's accused of murder, they keep bringing up how he acted before. We should understand that everyone is unique, and life doesn't have to be the same for everyone. This book makes you think a lot but doesn't give clear answers.


The Stranger by Albert Camus (Book Review)



For more Book Notes and Review :  



Fahim Muntashir

Fahim Muntashir

Fahim Muntashir, an aspiring Computer Science and Engineering graduate from North South University, Dhaka,Bangladesh with strong programming expertise and a solid command of computer and web technologies. Throughout the academic journey, he has excelled in various competitions, showcasing his skills and dedication to excellence. Beyond academics, he is passionate about photography and traveling, with his work exhibited both nationally and internationally in three different countries.